Unplanned Event: Devoli Voice Issue

March 29, 2022 20:29 NZDTInvestigating – We are aware of the ongoing voice issue which started this evening and we are currently investigating the root cause.March 29, 2022 20:40 NZDTMonitoring – We are seeing reports from users that service has restored as of 2030. We will continue to monitor. If you are still experiencing issues, please don’t hesitate to contact Support at 092220000 | [email protected] Thank you. April 1, 2022 16:48 NZDTResolved – Root cause has been identified as spontaneous reboot on multiple SBC’s at 6PM, one SBC failed during reboot and was restored at 8.07PM.Customers who’s client devices are configured for redundancy may have experienced a drop in service of less than 10 minutes, clients configured without redundancy may have remained online until the failed SBC was restored.We recommend ensuring your SIP Trunk config is setup for redundancy as per the instructions below and to contact support if you have any further questions.https://support.devoli.com/hc/en-us/articles/360001062395-How-To-Set-Up-a-SIP-Trunk-VoIP-SIP-Settings-New-Zealand

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